Our Services


    At Age Eternal, our anti-wrinkle injections are a popular choice for clients looking to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles without opting for surgery. Administered by our skilled practitioners in a clinical setting, these injections work by relaxing the muscles that cause wrinkles, resulting in smoother and rejuvenated skin. Our professional team ensures that each treatment is tailored to meet the specific needs and desired outcomes of every individual. Experience the confidence-boosting effects of our anti-wrinkle injections knowing that you are in expert hands at Age Eternal.


    Dermal fillers are a popular non-surgical aesthetic treatment provided at Age Eternal to rejuvenate and enhance the skin's appearance. Our skilled professionals carefully inject fillers into targeted areas to reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and folds, delivering natural-looking results. The fillers work by adding volume to the skin, smoothing out imperfections and restoring a youthful fullness. At Age Eternal, we offer a range of premium dermal fillers tailored to meet individual needs and preferences. Clients can enjoy a more youthful and radiant complexion with minimal downtime, all within the relaxing and clinical environment that defines our services.


    At Age Eternal, we proudly offer Hydrofacials, a popular non-surgical aesthetic treatment that delivers instant and noticeable results. Hydrofacials utilise advanced technology to cleanse, extract, hydrate, and rejuvenate the skin effectively. This soothing and moisturizing treatment is suitable for all skin types and addresses various skin concerns such as fine lines, wrinkles, congested pores, and uneven skin tone. Our skilled professionals tailor each Hydrofacial session to meet the unique needs and goals of our clients, ensuring a refreshing and revitalising experience. With Hydrofacials at Age Eternal, you can achieve a radiant and glowing complexion without any downtime, leaving your skin looking and feeling rejuvenated. We incorporate SkinCeuticals medical grade skincare alongside LED light therapy to ensure you obtain maximum, results driven benefits.

    Book your Hydrofacial appointment today to experience the transformative benefits firsthand.


    Our collagen and elastin production starts to deplete starting in our early 20’s leaving us with visible irregularities within the skin.

    Radio-frequency micro-needling is a cutting-edge non-surgical aesthetic treatment offered at Age Eternal, blending the benefits of micro-needling with radio-frequency energy for skin rejuvenation. This advanced procedure stimulates the natural production of collagen and elastin, resulting in firmer, smoother skin with reduced fine lines, wrinkles, and acne scars. The controlled micro-injuries created by the ultrafine needles trigger the skin's healing response, while the radio-frequency energy enhances the overall tightening effect.

    RF Micro-needling is used to treat fine lines, wrinkles, texture, loss of tone, skin laxity and firmness.


    Sculptra is a biostimulatory aesthetic injectable that helps stimulate your own natural collagen production to smooth facial wrinkles and improve skin tightness, revealing a refreshed-looking you.

    Sculptra gradually helps restore your skins foundation, with results seen as early as 1 month after treatment and lasting up to 2 years, revealing natural-looking firmness and improved skin quality.

    After age 20, you lose about 1% of collagen per year. Sculptra is the first and original FDA-approved poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA-SCA) facial injectable that targets fine lines, wrinkles, sagging, and other signs of aging due to collagen loss, gradually helping restore skin structure and volume.


    Fat dissolvig injections are used on the face and body to permanently liquify and destroy stubborn fat cells. Your body then metabolises the fat that is released from these cells through the liver. Typically, a minimum of 3 sessions are required to achieve optimum results.


    We have a range of facial treatments available at Age Eternal. Our skilled team members are trained in Environ facials, facial massage, SkinCeuticals facials and Chemical peels. Whatever your skin concerns, we have the treatment for you.

    These treatments are provided in a relaxing, spa like environment.


    Platelet-rich-plasma, or PRP, is a concentrated extraction of platelets suspended in a small amount of plasma. Platelets contain powerful growth factors, hormones, nutrients and other bioactive compounds important for tissue repair and regeneration.

    Aesthetic PRP treatments are an effective, non-surgical way to rejuvenate skin and stimulate hair regrowth. PRP can be used to augment other anti-aging treatments, like microneedling, or as a stand-alone treatment, like in hair restoration or facial injections.

    ‍As a volumizing injectable, PRP is injected under the skin much like traditional fillers. However, rather than simply filling in the sunken areas, the PRP growth factors also stimulate your body’s production of collagen and elastin to restore a natural, youthful volume to these areas.

    Your own PRP can be used to plump out cheek indentations, soften under-eye hollows, and improve skin tone, tightness, and skin texture.


    IV vitamin therapy offers a range of benefits aimed at improving overall health and wellness. By delivering essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants directly into the bloodstream, this treatment bypasses the digestive system, allowing for maximum absorption and effectiveness. Patients can experience increased energy levels, improved hydration, enhanced immune support, and faster recovery from illness or exhaustion. IV vitamin therapy is also known to help with skin quality, mood enhancement, and stress reduction. Whether seeking a boost in energy, immune system support, or overall well-being, IV vitamin therapy provides a convenient and efficient solution for those looking to optimize their health.


    SkinPen microneedling is a highly effective non-surgical aesthetic treatment offered at Age Eternal. This innovative procedure uses advanced technology to stimulate the skin's natural healing process, promoting collagen production and skin rejuvenation. By creating micro-injuries with fine needles, SkinPen enhances skin texture, reduces the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, and improves overall skin tone and elasticity. The procedure is safe, minimally invasive, and provides long-lasting results. At Age Eternal, our skilled professionals perform SkinPen microneedling in a relaxed yet clinical environment, ensuring our clients experience the utmost care and satisfaction.


    At Age Eternal, we utilise advanced DNA analysis and blood work to comprehensively assess and understand how your body is functioning. Our highly trained professionals conduct thorough evaluations to provide valuable insights into your unique genetic makeup and current health status. By combining cutting-edge technology with medical expertise, we tailor our non-surgical aesthetic treatments and beauty services to suit your individual needs. Rest assured that our clinical environment ensures the utmost precision and confidentiality in delivering results that help you achieve optimal well-being. Trust Age Eternal to blend science and beauty for a holistic approach to enhancing your overall health and appearance.

    DNA Polymorphisms have been linked to numerous diseases and understading how to combat these issues can have profound benefits on your health.

    Your genes are not your destiny.


    At Age Eternal, enhance your natural beauty with our semi-permanent makeup services. Our skilled professionals use advanced techniques to create long-lasting results that perfectly complement your features. Experience the convenience of waking up with flawless makeup and the confidence that comes with it. Trust Age Eternal for semi-permanent makeup that seamlessly enhances your beauty.


    At Age Eternal, we understand the importance of providing a comprehensive experience for our clients beyond just non-surgical aesthetic treatments. That's why we have incorporated spa treatments into our clinic to offer a truly relaxing environment. The soothing ambiance coupled with our skilled aestheticians ensures that our clients not only achieve their desired aesthetic goals but also leave feeling rejuvenated and pampered. Whether it's a facial, a massage, or a body treatment, our spa services complement our aesthetic treatments, enhancing the overall experience and promoting a sense of well-being and tranquility. Step into our clinic and immerse yourself in a world of relaxation and beauty enhancement.


    At Age Eternal, we understand the importance of beauty treatments in enhancing one's overall appearance and confidence. Our skilled professionals specialize in a range of services, including flawless eyebrow shaping to frame your face perfectly, precise waxing treatments for smooth and hair-free skin, and luxurious nail services to add the perfect finishing touch to your look. Each treatment is tailored to meet your unique needs and preferences, ensuring you leave our clinic feeling revitalized and beautiful. Trust Age Eternal to deliver exceptional beauty treatments that exceed your expectations and leave you looking and feeling your best.